Director of Studies


Numero annuncio
Tipo di lavoro
Tempo pieno
€ 1.500.00
New private school of English is currently looking for a Director of Studies (native English speaker or bilingual) for our schools in Pistoia.
The roles would start in march 2023 with full training for the position beforehand.

You must be legally able to live and work in the European Union to apply for this role.

Job Description:
Ensure the quality of our teaching and learning for students, via management of resources and improving the didactic standards of the center.

1. Responsible for the teaching team, recruitment, training and management
2. Didactic reference point for students and staff of the school
3. Management of the school timetable and the activities offered to students
4. Management of teaching and learning quality
Qualifications needed: CELTA/TEFL/TESOL or equivalent. At least 3 years of teaching experience in communicative method.

Technical skills:
Ability to teach English as a foreign language (native English speaker is preferable) , ability to use in-house IT programs

Transversal skills:
- Communication
- Organisation and planning
- Efficiency
- Attention to quality
- Customer care
- Team work
- Problem-solving
- Training others
- Stress management

Experience teaching business English, Teens, and knowledge of most important exams strengthen your application.
Salary and Benefits
On Application: base salary and incentive scheme based on objectives reached per quarter.
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