Asthma and Rhinitis - Hardcover (2nd Edition, 2 Volume Set)


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Volume 1.
Part 1: Disease Classification.
Part 2: Epidemiology.
Part 3: Genetics.
Part 4: Anatomy, Development and Physiology.
Part 5: Pathology.
Part 6: Mast Cells and Basophils.
Part 7: Eosinophils.
Part 8: Neutrophils and Platelets.
Part 9: Lymphocytes.
Part 10: Macrophages, Monocytes and Dendritic Cells.
Part 11: Microvasculature.
Part 12: Epithelial Cells.
Part 13: Neuroregulation.
Part 14: Mediators of Inflammation.
Volume 2.
Part 15: Role of Allergens in Airway Disease.
Part 16: Pathophysiology.
Part 17: Smooth Muscle Response.
Part 18: Exercise-Induced Asthma.
Part 19: Infectious Mechanism in Asthma and Rhinitis.
Part 20: Mechanism of Action of Drugs for the Treatment of Asthma and Rhinitis.
Part 21: Clinical Management of Asthma.
Part 22: Asthma in Special Circumstances.
Part 23: Management of Asthma in Childhood.
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