Didactic Coordinator at Wall Street English Livorno!


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Job Summary
Your job will be to develop and support a group of teachers through observations and constructive feedback, to help students achieve their learning goals while maintaining a positive and stimulating environment with the planning of events and social activities.
Parts of your time will be spent teaching and the rest carrying on managerial duties like scheduling classes for teachers, managing students placement and working along other staff members for the overall smooth running of all operation
Details of Position
Wall Street English is looking for a dynamic individual, with a passion for teaching and facilitating learning to hire as a Director of studies, also known in our company as a Service Manager.
University Degree
Native or Bilingual speaker
CELTA / CERT TESOL (other certificates are ok but need to be discussed during your interview) - required
DELTA / DipTesol preferable/a plus
Salary and Benefits
This is a unique and enriching opportunity that will require absolute passion as you coach and train your team to contribute towards changing students’ future.
We require motivation, enthusiasm and excellent interpersonal skills. We are looking for people who like helping students make progress and know how to keep them motivated all along their journey with us.
If this description matches yours, send CV.
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